
All the tips/hints/fixes/other information posted here are at your own risk. Some of the steps here could result in damage to your computer. For example, using a Windows registry editor like RegEdit could result in unintended serious changes that may be difficult or impossible to reverse. Backups are always encouraged.

28 January 2009

Make iTunes on Windows Seem a Bit Faster

Browsing the iTunes Store within iTunes 8 on Windows is frustrating, because Apple forced slow and clunky software components only to make it look kind of like Safari and Mac OS X. In my opinion, a Mac program is confusing on Windows and it clashes aesthetically. Also, the performance stinks.

At any rate, you can improve the slow scrolling using a scroll wheel mouse and the following AutoHotkey code:
#IfWinActive ahk_class iTunes
WheelDown::Send {pgdn}
WheelUp::Send {pgup}

Also, there is an alternative and unofficial web interface for the iTunes Store:

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