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16 November 2009

Use iTunes to Sync to a Non-Default Data File in Outlook

Although you can use iTunes to sync an iPhone or iPod Touch to Microsoft Office Outlook on Windows, there are no settings in iTunes itself to allow syncing to a data file (PST) other than the default. This is annoying to those who have, say, a Microsoft Exchange account for work that must remain "default" in Outlook, but would like to sync contacts and/or notes that are personal.

There is a workaround, however, which takes advantage of seldom used Outlook Profiles. You can create  a new Outlook profile (without an email account if you so choose) just for iPhone syncing. For that new profile, make your personal PST file the default. The content will be the same as when you use that PST normally as a secondary data file. Then, before syncing with iTunes, close Outlook and use the Mail control panel to switch the default Outlook profile to the one you created for iTunes syncing. You can just hit Apply to change the "default" profile, open Outlook again (this step has more reliable sync because it activates the iTunes add-in for Outlook), sync with iTunes, and then change it back and it OK.

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